VS FLEXI DPS set is developed for shaping of root canals with maximum preservation of pericervical dentin. Hand glide path is formed using hand K-Files, or any other hand files, with size 08.02 and if necessary 10.02.
In severely curved or S curved canals the upper third of the canal is shaped to 3-4 mm depth with opening file #20.06 before making machine glide path.
In over 95% of cases dentist can directly proceed, after hand glide path is made, with files for machine glide path #13.04 and #17.04.
Then canal is shaped with VS FLEXI file size #20.04 and finished with files #25.04 and if necessary with #30.04, too.
If larger shapes are needed canal can be shaped additionally with VS FLEXI files #35.04 and #40.04 (offered as single size blisters).
Instructions for Use
This set of Ni-Ti endo files with controlled memory was developed with the idea for maximum preservation of pericervical dentin in mind. Aim is to effectively shape the root canal without excessive removal of pericervical dentin.
Cross section of VS FLEXI files is parallelogram with specially chosen cutting angle for maximum cutting efficiency. Thanks to cross section shape endo file touches the root canal wall in one, maximum two, contact points at any time during shaping.
VS FLEXI files are unique combination between file with such cross section, such cutting angle, controlled memory and ability to shape the root canal with regular clockwise 360 deg rotation or reciprocating movement.
This unique combination ensures that VS FLEXI files have excellent cutting ability with minimum risk of file fracture or file getting stuck into root canal. At the same the file design allows for very effective evacuation of the debris coronally during the shaping, too.
Another advantage of that set of endo files is that ALL files from the set work with same speed and same torque. Dentist sets the endo motor at 220-250 rpm and torque of 2.2N/cm and that’s it.
VS FLEXI Files work very well with reciprocation motion, too (endo motor must be set to 150deg CW/30 deg CCW with 350 rpm).
Glide path
At the start of root canal shaping a glide path must be made by hand with hand files #06.02, #08.02 in easy root canals and with #10.02,too in severely curved root canals. ROGIN C+ endo files may be used for this purpose or other type of hand files (K files, K reamers, D Finders) may be used depending on dentist’s choice. When enlargement of the canal with file #08.02 or #10.02 is reached the working length of the root canal must be defined by using an apex locator device.
Shaping of root canal with VS FLEXI files
Endo motor must be set to normal 360 deg clockwise rotation with 250 rpm and torque of 2.2 N/cm.
Shaping of the root canal must be made with light brushing motions of the file while at the same time doing a short pecking motions apically at maximum depth of 1-2mm at a time. After each 3-4 such shaping intervals the file must be taken out of the canal and cleaned from the debris with gauge saturated in hypochlorite solution.
That way of movement of the file eliminates interferences in upper third of the root canal thus creating lateral space for making apical advancement of the file easier.
VS FLEXI file OF01 (#20.06, L=21mm) is put into endo motor head. That file is the opening file and is used for shaping of the upper third of the root canal. Shaping of the root canal with this file must be done in first 3 mm of total canal length only. Take care that you do not shape with this file to its full length. This is important because this way the maximum of pericervical dentin is saved.
In very severely curved canals, however shaping down to the start of the curvature may be needed to be done with opening file to reduce stress on next file size #13.04 to be used to shape to full WL.
After opening of the upper third of the root canal is finished put next file size #13.04 (MGP1 – two white rings) into motor’s head and with combined light brushing and pecking motions shape the canal to full working length.
After this is done use VS FLEXI files with larger sizes to shape the root canal to the desired final size.
Shaping with reciprocation motion
Switch your endo motor to reciprocation motion program with 150 deg CW / 30deg CCW and at 300-350 rpm.
Made glide path by hand up to #08.02 / #10.02. Use apex locator to determine the working length.
Put opening file OF01 (#20.06, L=21 mm) into endo motor and shape the upper third of the root canal in depth of no more than 3 -4 mm with short (1-2 mm) very light pecking motions.
Then put MGP1 file (#13.04, L=25 mm) in endo motor head and with short (1 – 1.5 mm) very light pecking motions shape the root canal to full working length.
Use larger size files to shape the canal to the desired size.
Combined motion use of VS FLEXI files
In calcified, narrow or curved canals the root canal may first be shaped to full working length with VS FLEXI file size #13.04 in reciprocating motion to reduce the stress on the file as much as possible. Afterwards root canal can be shaped to bigger sizes with normal 360 deg rotation of the bigger files to ensure better debris evacuation.
Important tip
Before shaping with next larger size file make sure you recapitulate the canal with hand file size #10.02 and irrigate copiously. VS FLEXI files must not be used in dry root canal.
Shaping the root canal up to size #30.04 is sufficient in most cases. Distal canal of lower molars and palatine canal of upper molars may anatomically be larger and then one must shape to size #35.04 or more. If shaping to sizes #40 or larger is needed, one may do this final shaping by using large hand files.